Bereavement Café 15 April 2025

15 Apr
Hailey Centre.
---Slots for Saturday 29 March can be booked on Eventbrite from 9am to 1pm. Drop ins will also be available on the day.
---Tickets £7.50 Book online or pay on the door.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---Work Party - Meet Main Car Park 10 AM
We shall be clearing around the young trees to cut down the competition from other plants and help them establish. We can pull up some of the plants and cut the others using grass hooks. A good pair of gloves is essential. Hoping that as many of you as possible can come and help carry out this important task.
---Meet Main Car Park 10 AM
Wild Flowers in the Park. Our Park is 56 acres of the remaining 3% of this type of grassland that remains in this country. We shall be looking at and identifying as many different types of wild flowers as possible to see what is so special about the grassland on the Park.
---2-4pm at the Hailey Centre, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
- Meet & connect with others that understand
- A safe place if you have experienced loss
- Chat share and support eachother
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome and it is free to attend.
---Thursday 18th - Work Party. Apparently, only 40% of planted trees survive but what does survive are the plastic tubes and tree guards. In the early 1980s the very old Hawthorn hedge along the edge of the Osier Bed was cut down causing a lot of ill feeling. In its place a lot of young Hawthorn's were planted but because they were in a shady situation they did not survive but there are hundreds of white spiral tree plastic tree guards left behind. The task will be to start collecting these up because we do not want to be accused of plastic pollution.
---9:30am - Dress as your favourite Bethlehem character for a scratch nativity!
---11:30pm - The first eucharist of Christmas with traditional Christams carols.
---13:30-14:30 in Church House. Soup, cheese and fruit for lunch in aid of The Children's Society.
---3pm - A shorter, fun, all age service particularly suitable for young children.
---6pm - Traditional carol service followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
---13:30-14:30 Advent lunch of soup, cheese and fruit in aid of The Children's Society.
---3pm - Fun for all ages service with oranges, candles and Christams carols.
---Bring your own decorationsor use ours, perhaps to remember loved ones.
---Bell Street 10am - 12pm - In aid of The Friends of Great St Marys.
---13:300-14:30 at Church House. Soup, cheese and fruit lunch in adid of The Children's Society.
---13:00 - 17:30 Lights Switch On - more information.
---1PM - 6PM - As the town switches on its Christmas Lights, pop in to Great St Mary's to experience a candlelit oasis of beauty.
---13:00 - 14:30pm Advent Lunches soup, chesse and fruit in aid of The Children's Society.
---5pm - A candlelit service of Advent hymns and readings marking the beginning of our preparations for Christmas
---7:30pm (doors open at 7pm) at Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall. Tickets available via
---10:30am transport to the Airfield Memorial
12:00pm Wreat laying at the Memorial Hall
12:30 Entertainment
Cash Donations Requested for the Royal British Legion.
---Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October 2022
A new event to promote all the fantastic groups and organisations in the town. Citizens Advice, Sawbo Saplings, Community Library, The Bereavement Cafe, Centre of Wellbeing, Maternity Voices Partnership, U3A, Isabel Hospice, Home Instead, St Clare's Hospice, The Jacobs Centre, All Sorts Dementia Group and many more. Come along and talk to group members, find out what is available in the town from support groups to volunteering.
If you would like a stall at the event please complete the appropriate form below
Commercial Stall Holder Form (Dog Show)
Commercial Pitch Stall Holder Form
Charity / Community / PTA / Church Stall Holder Form (local groups)
Food Stall Vendor Booking Form
For information please contact
---Saturday 9th July 2.30 to 5.30pm
Bullfields Centre, Cutforth Road, CM21 9EA
Repairs are free but please give a donation towards costs.
---Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall
1st Tuesday of the month.
6:30pm-10:30pm Tickets £10. To book contact or via
---Three new Councillors for Sawbridgeworth Town Council. View our elections page for full results.
---Organiseed by Sawbridgeworth & District Rotary. 18:30
---4:30PM at Sayesbury Manor, Bell Street, sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9AN
---2:30PM at The Bullfiends Centre, Cutforth Road CM21 9EA
---Upcoming community/family event:
Coppicing at Pishiobury Park
10am-2pm Thursday 28/10/2021
Come and try this ancient woodland management technique, hosted by the Friends of Pishiobury Park
---19:00 at The Hailey Centre
---Please email if you wish to attend (there is no charge)
and he will send you a link nearer the date.