
Flyer Online

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 14/08/18

Latest Edition of the Flyer Online - Click Here


Thefts from Motor Vehicles Police Appeal

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 02/08/18



District Plan & Shaping Sawbridgeworth

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 01/08/18

Read the full Story HERE 

A steering group that was formed to help guide the development of three sites in Sawbridgeworth has praised the process,…

Be part of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision

Submitted by Laura Carter, 06/07/18

Harlow Council, Epping Forest District Council and East Herts Council will be hosting events throughout July to unveil the first look of the…

Shaping Sawbridgeworth - Master-planning

Submitted by Laura Carter, 14/06/18

Click here to view: Shaping Sawbridgeworth - Master-planning


Bell Street Car Park Section C (rear car park)

Submitted by Laura Carter, 01/06/18

Please be advised that the emergency resurfacing works will now take place on the week commencing 11th June 2018.. 

This will involve relaying the surface and…

Foster care transforms lives.

Submitted by Laura Carter, 11/05/18

 Foster care transforms lives.

“Being in foster care has had the biggest impact on my life. It has opened doors and helped me experience a life that…

Sawbo Trash & Treasure Hunt - Thank you

Submitted by Laura Carter, 27/04/18

Please click here to read about the success of the event.


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