Buster’s Town Trail
Buster the Dinosaur was very sorry that he could not come and visit Sawbridgeworth this September and take part in the annual Sawbo Travel Challenge. He has a mission for you all this October half term ... he would like you to solve the shop quiz in the form that you can download using the link below.
Once you have guessed the shop location you can have a good look in the shop window and count how many Fluffy Green Busters you can see and write your answers onto the question sheet. Please post your answers in our letterbox on the main gates at Sayesbury Manor (Council office is located near the middle car park in Bell Street)
You can also email your answers to info@sawbridgworth-tc.gov.uk with the subject heading Buster's Town Trail and we can print them off and add them to the prize draw.
Good Luck and have walking fun around the town this half term holiday.
You can start finding Buster's from Saturday 24th October and the competition closing date is Wednesday 4th November 2020
Download Buster's Town Trail Form
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