
Christmas Lights Switch On

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 20/11/16

What is happening on Saturday 26th November? find out here 


Councillor Vacancy Filled

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 01/11/16

On the 31st October 2016 it was announced from East Herts District Council that the Cllr Roger Beeching, MBE,JP had been elected unopposed for the vacant position of Town…

Notice of Election for Sawbridgeworth November 2016

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 20/10/16

East Herts District Council


Election of a Town Councillor

For the area of SAWBRIDGEWORTH Town Council

To be held on Thursday, 24th November 2016



World Mental Health Day in Sawbridgeworth

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 12/10/16

We are very lucky in Sawbridgeworth to have an amazing Centre of Wellbeing - Read more here about the recent World Mental Health Day


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