
No Sawbobus Service 2022

Submitted by Laura Carter, 12/12/22

Thre will be no Sawbobus today - Monday 12 December due to the weather. 


No Sawbobus Service

Submitted by Laura Carter, 15/09/22

Passenger Notice

There will be NO SAWBOBUS SERVICE on Bank Holiday Monday - 19th September 2022 due to the funeral of Her Majesty Queen…

Sawbobus Commercial Sponsors - support community bus service

Submitted by Laura Carter, 07/09/22

left to right - Jane, Budgens Assistant Store Manager, Alison & Kim of Boyletts Law, Stuart Dingle of Airdrome Cars and Karol from Oakridge…

Vacancy for Community Minibus Driver

Submitted by Laura Carter, 01/09/22

Advert can be viewed here


Co-Option for Town Councillor

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 30/08/22

Please follow the link below to find out how to apply for co-option to become a town councillor.

To find out more about being…


Submitted by Laura Carter, 14/07/22

Sawbridgeworth Town Council agreed in February this year to make Wally Wright, local historian and President of the Local History Society, their first…

Wally Wright Obituary

Submitted by Laura Carter, 13/06/22

Obituary of Wally Wright


Another Year for Mayor

Submitted by Joanne Sargant, 26/05/22

At the Annual Meeting of the Town Council on Monday 23rd May 2022, Cllr Greg Rattey was elected Mayor once again for the…

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