
Sawbridgeworth Town Council's Planning Committee has six Members and meets fortnightly

Cllr R Buckmaster (Vice Chair)
Cllr A Parsad-Wyatt
Cllr N Parsad-Wyatt (Chair)
Cllr S Penny
Cllr S Smith

Planning Committee Minutes and Agendas

Search for Planning Applications

Current planning applications are sent to Sawbridgeworth Town Council by the Local Planning Authority (East Herts Council) and can be viewed Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm.

Sawbridgeworth section106 Information

Shaping Sawbridgeworth - Master-planning

Sawbridgeworth Town Council's Response to EHDC Draft District Plan

Latest Bulletin News on the District Plan - July 2016 

Please click here more information on the District Plan - New Homes Development